The Treasure

About the Episode

Listeners are given behind the scenes access to how a rescue operation is built–and spoiler–it isn’t all busting down doors!

We travel alongside Attorney Rey of International Justice Mission as he works alongside Philippines police to gain access to the house Ruby and the girls are trapped in, and see what it is like firsthand to work in such a dark area, bringing light one step at a time.

The path to rescue is built on a series of small, strategic steps. At any moment, anything could go wrong.

At last rescue arrives for Ruby. But this is in many ways only the beginning of her journey to healing.

Issues this episode explores:
- The multidisciplinary team needed for a rescue operation
- A consideration of privacy and protection laws
- The toll taken on rescue workers and what motivates them to keep going



Images from the episode

Attorney Reynaldo Hernandez Bicol, Jr. Director for International Justice Mission (IJM) Manila. Read more about Attn. Rey:

On July 12, 2013 light broke into darkness. Nadine and Pedro did not resist arrest.


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